Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Did u noe that they throw cats and dogs out of lorries to break their limbs??? Did u noe tht they pack them in cages to the point where they cant move? Did u noe tht they r electricuted to death??? Did u noe that they r boiled alive??? Did u noe tht some of them r skinned alive while they r still barking or yelping in pain??? Did u noe tht even after the skinning, if they r not dead they r just left to die out of shock and pain??? Did u noe tht there r factories in which the above happen in large numbers or out in the open beside the streets??? Did u noe tht they r caught by their neck and thrown about??? Did u noe tht they r beaten till unconscious with wood???

We could go on and on about all the questions of did u noe but the fact remains these things r happening and we r the only ones hu can change it. This is what our blog is about. Making a change. Even though we start small it will still make a difference. Awareness is key. This cruelty has to stop NOW!!! Every life should matter. Every life is equal.

Our blog is all about spreading the word and awareness. We are open to opinions, articles or any form of contributions tht u would like to share. PLZ help us help animals. they r voiceless and we r their only hope. Tell ur fwens about this blog and help to spread the word.

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